
String (transport-type,enabled|disabled,listener-port[,interface]) |
(JadeLocal,enabled|disabled,[Global\]base-name) |

Not specified


The NetworkSpecification<specification‑number> parameter specifies how the server node listens for client nodes over a specified network or to connect to client nodes using the local intra‑machine transport on the same machine. The <specification‑number> variable in the parameter name indicates a consecutive number starting at 1.

Multiple network specifications must have contiguous sequence numbers; for example:


No spaces are allowed in the server network specification.

The values for the TCP/IP transport type are as follows.

  1. transport-type

    Specifies the transport type to connect to the server node, which is TcpIP, TcpIPv4, or TcpIPv6. The transport‑type literal value is not case‑sensitive. TcpIP is synonymous with TcpIPv4.

  2. enabled|disabled

    Specifies whether the network state is currently enabled or disabled. (By setting this value to disabled, you can temporarily disable the network specification without having to renumber the unique identifiers of any other NetworkSpecification<specification‑number> parameters in your [JadeServer] section.)

  3. listener-port

    Specifies the listener port number from which TCP/IP accepts connections. Select a unique port number. Each Jade database on a specific node must have a unique server port number in the range 1024 through 65534.

  4. [interface]

    You can specify the interface value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport‑type value.

Specify the local interface name or IP address if you want to select a specific network adapter in a server node that has more than one network adapter installed; for example, to allow an administrator to ensure connections from clients connect on the fastest interface or to allow easier security when used in conjunction with a firewall or router access list. (Jade defaults to all network adapters in the node.)

If you require a fast transport mechanism between Jade modules on the same machine (for example, if your server node has multiple CPUs and the database server and Jade application server reside on the same machine), you can use a local intra‑machine transport to significantly improve performance. You can also use this transport mechanism to communicate from standard (fat) clients and Jade application servers to Jade servers if these processes run on the same physical machine, to significantly improve overall performance. Intra-machine local transport uses shared memory.

The parameter values for the fast, local intra‑machine transport are as follows.

  1. transport-type

    Specifies the transport type to connect to the server node; that is, JadeLocal or HPSM.

    The HPSM transport has a lower overhead than the JadeLocal transport. HPSM is provided by the Jade jomsrvr2.dll, which implements an RPC transport and server thread model.

  2. enabled|disabled

    Specifies whether the network state is currently enabled or disabled. (By setting this value to disabled, you can temporarily disable the network specification without having to renumber the unique identifiers of any other NetworkSpecification<specification‑number> parameters in your [JadeServer] section.)

  3. base-name

    Optionally specifies a string with a maximum length of 60 characters, which must be a valid server node name.

The HPSM transport enables a database running as a service under the Local System account to be used by a desktop client application running under any user account. To indicate that the named pipe and shared memory are created as global objects that are visible across sessions and logons, specify the Global\ prefix tag.

For details about using the NetworkSpecification parameter for local intra‑machine transport, see "Hybrid Pipe Shared Memory (HPSM) Transport" and "JadeLocal Transport" under "Configuring Your Network Protocol", in Chapter 2 of the Installation and Configuration Guide. (See also the [ConnectionParams] section NetworkSpecification parameter under "Synchronized Database Service Sections", later in this chapter.)

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is next initialized.